Piazzale del Girfalco, 1
63900 FERMO – Marche

Telephone: +39 335 8213651

The square in front of the main façade is characterized by two large blooming circular flowerbeds, while a shrewd scenic design shows, through the entrance hall, a lush magnolia which stands, majestic, at the back of the house.

A majestic avenue with conifers, holm oaks and oleanders, leads to a terraced square, sunny and full of flowers, arranged in 1947 in a typical Italian garden (with a central elliptical basin and white water lilies inside) according the design by the Florentine architect Pietro Porcinai (1910 – 1986), recognized founder of the Italian garden and landscape architecture.
From there you can enjoy a stunning view of the surrounding countryside and the hills, from the Adriatic Sea (10 km.) to the Sibillini Mountains (50 km.). The view reaches also the Gran Sasso and, in clearer days, even the Majella.

Giardino 01
Giardino 04

In one corner stands a small aedicule, used until the early nineteenth century by the Capuchins as meditation chapel. At the end of World War II the owners placed inside, for grace received, a votive grotto dedicated to Our Lady of Lourdes.

Splendid blooms and shades of colour (begonias, azaleas, rhododendrons, saxifrages, etc.), according to the changes of the seasons, contrast with the green of the garden and of the park. Different varieties of an enchanting collection of English roses blossom in a triumph of colours and fragrances.

Giardino 05
Giardino 03

The villa is surrounded by a luxuriant park, with many paths and walkways that allow to walk in a calm and romantic environment, under the cool shadow of century-old trees.
A belvedere allows guests to enjoy suggestive views over the ancient roofs of the city district below and boundless prospects towards the foothills of the Apennines.

In the background, in harmonic scenic synthesis, stands out a small classical temple, with hemispherical dome cover and tetrastyle portico.

Appartamento 10